Jamie Cullum Live at Pohoda 2018

>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=u_j19i8v7d0

Azda nikto nespopularizoval jazz v 21. storočí tak, ako Jamie Cullum. Historicky najpredávanejší jazzový muzikant v Británii, klavírny virtuóz, nezameniteľný spevák a performer sa preslávil fantastickými úpravami slávnych skladieb všetkých žánrov, no najmä neskutočnými vystúpeniami. Krídlo sa počas jeho koncertov mení na gigantický cajon či dokonca skokanský mostík. Popritom predvádza famózne klavírne sóla, beatbox, využíva efektové slučky a geniálne spolupracuje s kapelou aj s divákmi. Jeho koncerty zážitok z albumov nenásobia, ale priam umocňujú. • https://www.pohodafestival.sk/ • EN: • Perhaps nobody has popularized jazz in the 21st century as much as Jamie Cullum. The historically best-selling UK jazz musician, a piano virtuoso, an unmistakable singer, and performer became famous with his fantastic adaptations of the famous songs of all genres, but especially with his spectacular performances. At his concerts, the grand piano turns into a giant cajon or even a jumping bridge, while he performs fantastic piano solos, beatbox, uses effect loops, and brilliantly cooperates with the band and the audience. His concerts do not multiply the album experience, they enhance it. You can come get the first-hand experience by watching this live video from the 22nd Pohoda. • https://www.pohodafestival.sk/en


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