Michelangelo Buonarroti
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Read the full article here: https://tinyurl.com/6a4d7zxd • Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni was an Italian artist who was well known as a sculptor, painter, builder, and poet during the High Renaissance. He was born on March 6, 1475, and died on February 18, 1564. His work, which was made in the Republic of Florence, was influenced by ancient art and had a big effect on Western art. Michelangelo's amazing skills and knowledge of many types of art made him the best example of a Renaissance man, along with his rival and older contemporary, Leonardo da Vinci. Michelangelo is one of the most well-known 16th-century artists because he left behind a lot of letters, sketches, and memories. Biographers of the time said that he was the most skilled artist of his time. • Michelangelo became famous at a young age. He made the Pietà and David, two of his most famous works, before he was thirty years old. Even though Michelangelo didn't think of himself as a painter, he made two of the most important paintings in the history of Western art: the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in Rome, which has scenes from the Bible, and The Last Judgment, which is on the altar wall of the chapel. He was also very important in the creation of the Laurentian Library, which was the first building to use Mannerist style. At the age of 71, he took over from Antonio da Sangallo the Younger as the head builder of St. Peter's Basilica. Michelangelo changed the original plan, and after he died, his ideas were used to finish the west end and the dome. • Michelangelo was the first Western artist to have a biography written about him while he was still alive. In fact, three books were written about him while he was alive. One of Michelangelo's biographers, Giorgio Vasari, said that Michelangelo's work was better than that of any live or dead artist. He said that Michelangelo's work was supreme in not one art alone, but in all three. • During his lifetime, people often called Michelangelo Il Divino or the divine one. His peers admired his terribilità, which is the way his art made people feel scared. Mannerism was a short-lived art trend that came after the High Renaissance. It started when later artists tried to copy Michelangelo's style, which had a lot of physical expression. Michelangelo was born on March 6, 1475, in a small town called Caprese, which is now called Caprese Michelangelo. It is in Valtiberina, near Arezzo, Tuscany, and is now known as Caprese Michelangelo. His family had been in the banking business in Florence for many generations, but their bank went out of business. Ludovico di Leonardo Buonarroti Simoni, Michelangelo's father, worked in the government for a short time in Caprese, where Michelangelo was born. During that time, his father was in charge of the town's courts and acted as the town's podestà. Michelangelo's mother was Francesca di Neri del Miniato di Siena. Even though this claim has never been proven, Michelangelo thought that the Buonarroti family was related to Countess Matilde di Canossa. • After a few months, Michelangelo's family went back to Florence, where he grew up. Michelangelo lived with a babysitter and her husband, a stonecutter, in the town of Settignano after his mother died in 1481. He was only six years old at the time. In Settignano, his father owned a marble quarry and a small farm. During his time there, Michelangelo discovered how much he liked marble.