David Copperfield reveals illusion under oath
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=uceMWbjhBho
Sometimes you watch a magician's performance and can't help believing you’ve just witnessed real magic. In reality, even the most head-spinning tricks can easily be explained. Get ready to be amazed as we’re going to show you some famous magic tricks revealed. • Catching a bullet with your teeth takes a lot of practice to nail it, but as soon as you grasp the concept, there's nothing simpler and safer. The trick goes like this: the lovely assistant shoots at the magician with a loaded gun. The magician gets the crowd going and pretends to be shot. He then magically spits the bullet out of his mouth. • Most of you have probably seen street performers who seem to be magically floating in the air while seated. It’s incredibly simple and doesn't require any effort on the performer’s part. He just sits on a metal plate well-hidden under the illusionist’s baggy clothes. • The legendary sawing in half trick is also easy to explain. There are actually 2 assistants in the box. And the real trick is to make those people as compact as possible. One way they do it is to have the assistants lie on their backs and pull their knees as close as they can to their chests. Or one of the assistants hides in a special compartment under the box holding the other one. They can also slide their legs down into special compartments that look like the table’s legs. • The stunt for standing man cut in half trick needs some creative prep, and good flexibility. If you don't run away screaming in horror, you’ll notice that this man’s jeans cover only the parts of his legs below the knees. As for his legs from the knees up to his waist, it's a dummy. The front part of the magician's body is also fake. When he shows this trick, it's extremely important for him to keep the lower parts of his legs in a vertical position while hiding the rest of his body. • Music: • https://www.youtube.com/audiolibrary/... • TIMESTAMPS • Catching a bullet with your teeth 0:29 • Levitation 1:38 • A spike through the stomach 2:44 • Sawing someone in half 3:48 • Sending a card through glass 5:13 • Standing man cut in half 6:43 • Walking on water 7:54 • Bonus: a card through the arm 9:03 • SUMMARY • -While the magician is loading the bullet into the gun, he uses a ramrod fixed with a magnet on its tip. So instead of pushing the bullet inside, he pulls it out and hides it in his hand. The magician quickly puts the bullet in his mouth. • -There’s always a rug or piece of carpet on the ground beneath the magician that’s actually hiding a metal platform with a steel rod sticking up from one of its corners. That rod then connects with another metal plate that the performer sits on. • -The spike going through the body of the magician's assistant is retractable. As soon as it comes into contact with a surface, it folds into itself. • -There are actually 2 assistants in the box. And the real trick is to make those people as compact as possible. • -The magician needs two absolutely identical decks of cards and two trusted assistants. The one who’s hiding on the other side of the window takes the necessary card out of the second deck and sticks it to the glass at the right moment. All the magician needs to do is find the same card in his deck and cunningly hide it away. • -For this trick, both the magician and the stunt need fake body parts. When he shows this trick, it's extremely important for the magician to keep the lower parts of his legs in a vertical position while hiding the rest of his body. • -To walk on water, magicians use industrial grade plexiglass platforms standing on long legs made from the same clear material cleverly placed under the water. • -Find a pair of scissors and cut out part of a playing card in the shape of your arm. Then place the card on your arm so that it stays firmly in place. • Subscribe to Bright Side : https://goo.gl/rQTJZz • ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • Our Social Media: • Facebook: / brightside • Instagram: / brightgram • 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: https://www.goo.gl/8JVmuC • ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • For more videos and articles visit: • http://www.brightside.me/