Air Conditioning vs Windows Down Best Gas Mileage
Will you get better gas mileage with your windows down or with the A/C on? It's a question that's fully dependent on the speed at which you're driving at. At lower speeds, it will be more efficient to lower your windows. At higher speeds, where drag increases exponentially, the drag created from having your windows down will have a higher impact on your efficiency, and thus it will be better to drive with the windows up and the A/C on. • Please feel free to rate, comment, and subscribe! • And don't forget to check out my Facebook page: • / engineeringexplained • To help create more videos, check out my Patreon page! • / engineeringexplained • Also check out my official website: Make suggestions, participate in forums, learn through logically ordered lessons, read FAQs, and plan your future! • • Now on Twitter: • / jasonfenske13 • NEW VIDEO EVERY WEDNESDAY!