The Gwaii Haanas Legacy Pole Version 1
The Gwaii Haanas Legacy Pole is a 42-foot monumental pole commissioned by a unique cooperative management board made up of equal members of the Haida Nation and the Government of Canada. Known as the Archipelago Management Board (AMB), the body is renowned throughout the world as a model for cultural and natural resource governance. The pole is being carved to honour the 20th anniversary of the Gwaii Haanas Agreement, the cornerstone of a groundbreaking relationship that protects the natural and marine resources. • The Gwaii Haanas Legacy Pole will be raised at Hlk'yah GawGa (Windy Bay) on Lyell Island on Aug. 15, 2013. This will be the first pole raised in the Gwaii Haanas region in over 130 years, building a connection with the historic poles still standing in the villages of SGang Gwaay (also a UNESCO World Heritage Site) and Skedans (K'uuna Llnagaay). • Cette vidéo est aussi disponible en français à • Le mât héraldique commémoratif de Gwa...