BOSS GT1 FREEZE Simulation GILMOUR style FREE Settings
Gilmour guitar effect on BOSS GT 1. 'Sound On Sound' Freeze Effect for Shine... Crazy Diamond by P Floyd using a delay effect on CTL1 pedal and Expression Pedal. Ambient tone patch settings. Direct Recording Guitar. SUBSCRIBE HERE: // All settings are free in the videos! ►BOSS GT-1 Full Playlist: • BOSS GT-1 • 1) All settings are always FREE in the videos. You can copy it to your GT-1. • 2) Do you want to receive our patches in your email? Get our Boss GT-1 Live Set containing over 130 patches! Thanks! • ►► PAYHIP link: • List: Gilmour Freeze, Slash, Steve Vai, Clean tones, Van Halen, John Petrucci, Eric Johnson, SRV Overdrive, Malmsteen, Metallica, Guthrie Govan, Gary Moore, Santana (Latin Guitar), Satriani Dist + Whammy, John Mayer OD, Brian May TS9 Marshal Simulator, Bogner Dist, Lead Dist Eb Down, D Down Tuning, Clean no Cab, Clean Twin Reverb, Wah + Dist, JC120 Clean, JC Clean Chorus, AC Simulator, TS9 + Powerdrive, Chorus + Overtone, Touch Wah Funk Groove, Ntrl Clean, Clean Rotary, JC120 Phaser, Overdrive, Ambient Shimmer, Clean Chorus Mn, Univibe, Stereo Chorus, Whammy and more! • This effect is based on this version. • David Gilmour - Shine On You Crazy Diamond Crosby, Nash Live: • • Shine On You Crazy Diamond (Parts 1-5... • 1. Turn ON the delay effect (Freeze Simulation) with the CTL pedal; • 2. Fully close the expression pedal and play a chord; • 3. Slowly turn up the volume by opening the expression pedal and turning the CTL OFF. • The chord will be frozen and you can improvise at will. • Repeat the operation to change the chord. • Used a Fender Stratocaster MIJ 1996, 50th Anniversary model, HSS, Floyd Rose - Original pickups. • *Do you like our content and want to help the channel? Share our videos with your friends! Thanks!!! • GUITAR PATCHES Facebook Group: / guitarpatches • Professional contacts and partnerships: • [email protected] • • #bossgt1 #boss #gt1 #directrecording