US aircraft carriers would last 23 days against Soviet navy at sea


How long would the US carriers last against Iranian military in the Persian Gulf? • Iranians not only have the supersonic anti-ship cruise missiles and supercavitating torpedoes that the Soviets had. Now they have anti-ship ballistic missiles. • • Nov. 20, 2006 (UPI): • About 30 years ago, my first boss, Sen. Robert Taft Jr., R-Ohio, asked Admiral Hyman Rickover how long he thought the U.S. aircraft carriers would last in the war with the Soviet navy, which was largely a submarine navy. Rickover's answer, on the record in a hearing of the Armed Services Committee of the U.S. Senate, was, About two days. The committee, needless to say, went on to approve buying more carriers. • • Another lesson is that diesel-electric subs can be as effective or more effective than nuclear boats in same situations. The U.S. Navy hates the very idea of non-nuclear submarines and therefore pretends they don't count for much. You can buy four to eight modern diesel-electric submarines for the cost of a single American U-cruiser nuke boat. • • • • • Article On Iranian Website - This Is How We'll Close Strait of Hormuz •


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