Cognitive explanations of gender development Gender AQA ALevel Psychology
Gender and Society | Theories of Gender Development [Cultural Theories of Gender] • A third group of theories focuses on understanding gender from a cultural or cross-cultural perspective. Cultural scholars do not necessarily dispute biological and interpersonal factors, but they do assume that these are qualified by the influence of culture. Because it incorporates other theories, the cultural perspective is a particularly comprehensive approach to understanding what gender means in any society at a specific time (Davis Gergen, 1997;Deaux LaFrance, 1998; Unger, 1998). • Anthropology - Cultures profoundly shape gender identity. Whatever genetic influences exist, it is the society we are socialized in that shapes our genetic endowments. • Symbolic Interactionism - Claims that through communication with others we learn who we are and what that means in our culture. • What Are your Thoughts? • Do you? • 1. Had a role when you were young based on your culture? • 2. A culture that drove your gender development? • 3. Acknowledge that your culture contributed for who and what you are now? • Be updated on more Gender and Society related videos by subscribing to my channel • • #GenderandSociety #Generalstudies #Genderpsychology #Generaleducation #GenderandDevelopment #GenderandSexuality #GenderAwareness #Genderequality #Genderrole #Gendersocialization #Genderdiscrimination • #cisgender #cisnormativity #cissexism #genderbinary #genderdysphoria #genderexpression #genderidentity #genderqueer #nonbinary #transgender #trans #SOGIE #sexualorientation #genderidentity #genderexpression #LGBTQA+ #Culturaltheoriesofgender #theoriesofgenderdevelopment #Theories #genderdevelopment #anthropology #symbolicinteractionism