How to build real participative democracies Diego Martínez TEDxIES Saramago Majadahonda Youth


Diego talks about the importance of participatory democracy, highlighting that voting every few years is not enough. He explains how citizens can get actively involved in decision-making through tools like participatory budgeting or platforms like FixMyStreet, which allow people to report local issues. Diego emphasizes that the responsibility for improving our communities does not rest solely on politicians but also on citizens, who must raise their voices and act to generate real change. My name is Diego, and my greatest motivation is to contribute to society in ways that help improve it. Through communication, respect, and cooperation, we can create a better world. I believe the best way to achieve this is by encouraging all citizens to engage in the political decision-making process. Through participatory democracy, we can listen to each other’s ideas in an assertive and constructive manner. Let’s build a better world together! • Mi nombre es Diego, mi mayor motivación es poder aportar a la sociedad todo aquello que pueda servir para mejorarla. A través de la comunicación, el respeto y la cooperación podemos conseguir un mundo mejor. Creo que la mejor manera de hacerlo es animando a todos los ciudadanos a participar en el diálogo de las decisiones políticas que se toman. A través de la democracia participativa, podemos escuchar las ideas de los demás de una forma asertiva y constructiva. ¡Construyamos juntos un mundo mejor! This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at


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