Can we use Domestic Seed of Wheat Crop Reformer


Wheat grain of most varieties was shriveled due to earlier heat wave during the ripening process last rabi season. Total wheat production was reduced due to accelerated maturity and bold seed is rarely available in the market. In this video, we have explained that shriveled seeds have potential to germinat and even of farmers own seed may be used for planting this year. • Out of total seed requirement, 25% of wheat seed is commonly provided through private companies and seed corporation. The rest of 75 % wheat seed is cultivated by the farmers from their domestic resources. Sometimes certified seed supplied by the private companies and seed corporation does not look certified. Compensation of such complaint of poor-quality seed are not easily possible due to very complicated judicial system of Pakistan. In order to avoid such complications, farmers have been advised to prepare wheat seed in their own fields. Seed preparation is not a complicated process. It can easily be prepared following the specific cautious measures. In this video, we have advised the farmers to prepare wheat seed in their own fields. For this purpose, recent varieties should be preferred. Seed of Akbar 2019, Gazi, Dilkash 2021, MH 2021, Subhani 2021, Fateh Jang 2016, Fakhr e Bhaker and Bhaker Star and other advanced varieties should be preferred for this purpose. After the complete earing but before the physiological maturity stage, off type plants should be roughed out. Prominent plants of weed species should also be hand pulled before seed setting. Only healthy field and standing crop should be selected for seed purpose. Lodged wheat should not be selected. Harvesting and threshing processes of different varieties should be done separately and carefully. Combined harvester and threshers are major source of seed admixture. Harvested wheat should be stored at 10% moisture level. There is no need of fumigants for 1st two months after harvesting. However, 10 tablets of Phstoxin/ton of wheat seed should be used during monsoon season to avoid stored grain pests losses. • #Wheat • #Seed • #cropreformer


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