Stronachlachar Circular Walk 31024
This was a six mile walk from Stronachlachar Pier to Royal Cottage then onto Tom Ard hill the footpath up to the hill was very overgrown and faint in places, the scenic views from the hill over Loch Katrine are amazing and it was well worth the climb. Then it was onwards across the hill, the path had all but disappeared under the heather now as I headed for the landmark known as the Faery Knoll I had to take a slight detour as there was a new deer fence erected around the plantation, on reaching the Faery Knoll I headed along the footpath of the old statue rd passing alongside Loch Arklet the views were stunning looking down the loch with the mountains in the background as I walked along in the peaceful quietness of my surroundings I spotted a rare Black Grouse on the path in front of me before I could turn my camera on it had run off and disappeared into the heather so that was one of the highlights for me on my walk, then it was onwards back to Stronachlachar pier and the end of the walk. • walk hop hike @BillJohnstonRambler