How is a colonic performed
Colonic irrigation in the UK gets a bad rap, there’s no doubt about that. There are countless myths circulating about this simple, gentle yet powerful therapy, but I won’t go into them here; instead, feel free to read my blog post ‘The Truth about Colon Hydrotherapy’: • • Or watch my video where I debunk a few more myths: • • In defence of naturopathic colon hydr... • It may come as a surprise to many of you, but colon hydrotherapy or a colonic is a therapy that can make the difference between life and death (and that’s no exaggeration) – you can read about why in my blog post ‘Colon Hydrotherpy – so simple yet so powerful’: • • Let’s be honest, colon hydrotherapy is probably one of those natural therapies that you’ve heard about, but you don’t really know what happens during a treatment – how is a colonic performed? Does it hurt? Will it help with abdominal pain? Is it really for me? • The video provides a comprehensive ‘walk-through’ of a colon hydrotherapy treatment, from the moment you walk into the room to the moment you leave; I will tell you about the wealth of health benefits the treatment provides, like how important it is for your gut health as well as your overall wellbeing. As you watch the colonic, I will talk you through the treatment; what equipment is used, how the gravity-fed colon therapy treatment gently flushes several litres of warm water through a small tube inserted into your rectum; how I massage the abdomen to stimulate the process, as fluids and wastes are flushed out. It doesn’t hurt at all. In fact, many clients report that it is relaxing and satisfying. • One of the main goals of the colonic treatment is to clear the colon of large quantities of stagnant, toxic waste so that you can see an improvement in your digestive and gut health. It is my ‘gold standard’ recommendation for Irritable Bowel Syndrome treatment, as well as offering help with constipation, bloating, abdominal pain, trapped wind, diarrhoea and many other digestive and gut health disorders. • If you want to know more about what causes abdominal pain, please watch my video on this topic: • • What causes abdominal pain? • Likewise, please watch this video if you want to know more about what to do it you have constipation: • • What to do if you have constipation • And to understand more about why you are bloated, I talk about it in more detail in this video: • • Why am I bloated!? • As creator and developer of my Just For Tummies range of natural digestive and gut health supplements, it would be remiss of me not to mention the supplement protocol that I recommend alongside any colon hydrotherapy treatment to further support the replenishing and rebalancing of the gut microbiome. Please watch the video ‘Supplements to improve gut health’ - • IBS and bloating - for a description of my three bestselling items – my Live Bacteria probiotic capsules, my Digestive Enzymes tablets, and my For Women probiotic capsules. For a more comprehensive look at the full range, please visit my website: • – you’ll find a wealth of information there. • If you do visit the website, you can download my information-rich fact sheets and brochures on constipation, bloating, IBS, acid reflux/heartburn, diverticular disease, and UTIs • • I receive hundreds of enquiries every week from people struggling with all kinds of ‘tummy troubles’, whether it’s women with IBS symptoms or people wanting to know how to stop constipation or asking questions such as, ‘Why have I got abdominal pain?’ In order to help these people, I ask a lot of questions of my own – I try to dig as deep as possible to get to the root cause of the problem. When I am satisfied that I have enough information, nine times out of ten, I ask if they have considered having a colon hydrotherapy treatment. It is my ‘go-to’ treatment as it brings immediate relief to so many people. Not only is it a very effective treatment to get a better digestion as it improves absorption of nutrients, but it also helps to balance the gut microbiome, which in turn improves immunity, reduces the risk of colon cancer, promotes clearer skin, boosts mood … and the list goes on! • • Everyone can benefit from colon hydrotherapy treatment, as we can all use a little help shifting the build up of waste in the gut. Anyone who doesn’t go to the loo as often as they should and needs help with constipation, anyone wondering what to do about irritable bowel syndrome, or what to do about abdominal pain is a definite candidate for regular colon hydrotherapy sessions. • I hope that my ‘Watch a colonic’ video will help answer some of the questions you may have about this treatment, and encourage you to start reclaiming your health by booking yourself a colon hydrotherapy treatment.

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