Lithium is the third element on the periodic table. It has three protons in its nucleus, its atomic number Z=3. • It is the least dense metallic element, with a density a little over half that of water, 0.53 g/cc. • It belongs to group 1 of the periodic table, that of alkali metals. It is therefore soft and very reactive, although the least reactive of this group. Silvery white/gray in color. Low melting point, 181 ºC. • It is the metal with the highest specific heat and together with its good thermal conductivity make it interesting for heat transfer systems, for example for cooling space probe engines. • It reacts with air to give lithium oxide (with oxygen) and lithium nitride (with nitrogen). • It also reacts violently with water to give lithium hydroxide. • It also reacts hot with carbon dioxide, so that it is capable of reducing the carbon in the latter and producing a black carbon surface. • Lithium hydroxide is capable of sequestering CO2 from the atmosphere and is therefore used in spacecraft and submarines for this purpose. • It is of great importance in batteries (both rechargeable and single-use) due to its high electrochemical potential, although we will see this topic in another video (or videos). • Lithium ion, for example lithium carbonate, is also used as a drug for the treatment of bipolar disorder, formerly known as manic depressive disorder. • Combined with sulfur hexafluride it produces a very exothermic reaction that is used to power some types of torpedoes. • Lithium fluoride has applications in optics due to its low refractive index and high transmission index (it is very transparent). • It is very useful in the form of organolithium, which is a set of organometallic compounds, for example butyllithium, very useful in organic synthesis, for example for polymerization. • • • • • • • •