viceroyalty Pronounce viceroyalty with Meaning Phonetic Synonyms and Sentence Examples
This video shows pronunciation of viceroyalty in a sentence, viceroyalty meaning, viceroyalty definition, viceroyalty phonetic, viceroyalty synonym and viceroyalty example • viceroyalty Definition/Meaning : a district or province governed by a viceroy • viceroyalty Phonetic : 'vais'rɔiəlti • viceroyalty Examples : • Spain ruled Peru as a viceroyalty for nearly 300 years after the conquest and regarded it more or less as a huge mine that existed to fill the crown's coffers. • The authors explain how the Bourbon reforms of the late eighteenth century transformed the viceroyalty of New Spain into one of the most efficient tax regimes in colonial history. • The viceroyalty's territory was vast and included what is now Argentina, Uruguay, and Paraguay and parts of Bolivia, Peru, and Chile. • 1,00,000 words with definition, phonetic and examples are available at