Ash and Serena Are In
Ash and Serena spend a night under the star-filled sky, discussing their deep feelings towards each other. • Like and Subscribe to support the channel! • Join our Discord server: / discord • Follow the channel on Twitter: / pokeferlax • The incredible Azazel created the Vulpix avatar in this video, check out his other work in the Discord server! :D • #AmourShipping #anipoke #Pokemon • ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ • Pokemon texting, Pokemon group chat, Pokemon text, Pokemon textingstory, Pokemon oneshot, Pokemon fanfiction, AmourShipping texting, AmourShipping group chat, Amourshipping text, Amourshipping textingstory, Amourshipping oneshot, Amourshipping fanfiction, Ash and Serena text, Ash and Serena group chat, Ash group chat, Ash texts, Ash Serena text • Pokemon anipoke AniPoke Pokemon Journeys Anipoke Pokemon Anime Pocket Monsters 2019 2020 XY X and Y XYZ XY Z Sun Moon Sun and Moon Diamond Pearl DP Black White BW Pokemon Series • AmourShipping SatoSereShipping Ash loves Serena Serena loves Ash Ash Serena Love Amour Satosere ContestShipping PearlShipping PokeShipping AdvancedShipping AlohaShipping RocketShipping NegaiShipping • Choose your own adventure, interactive, choices matter, branching story, new series, AmourShipping series, AmourShipping oneshot • Ash, Serena, Clemont, Bonnie, Goh, Chloe, Pikachu, Dawn, May, Drew, Sawyer, Brendan, Leaf, Conway, Miette, Shauna, Tierno, Brock, Misty, Diantha, Cynthia, Lillie, Gladion, Alain, Mairin, Sycamore, Oak, Delia, Iris, Hop, Marnie, Leon, Satoshi, Dande, Gou, Koharu, Cerise, Citron, Eureka, Bea, Saito, Korrina, Iris returns, Gary returns, Dragonite VS Dragonite, Axew Evolves, Haxorus, Fraxure, Champion Iris, Gym Leader Iris • Pokemon Summer Camp • Kalos Summer Camp Kanto Summer Camp • Kalos High Kanto High Pokemon School Pokemon High School • Pokemon Academy Kalos Academy Kanto Academy • Romance Romantic Friendship Relationship Love True Love Reunion Reunite Date Dating Dance Double Date Fever Sleepover Party Halloween Bond Bond Phenomenon Battle Bond Mega Evolution Dynamax Gigantamax Z-Moves • Anime Fanfiction One-Shot Series Manga Animation Story TextingStory Texting Group Chat • Subbed Sub Dub Dubbed Preview • Pikachu Riolu Lucario Dragonite Gengar Raboot Cinderace Lycanroc Incineroar Dedenne Greninja Charizard Evolve Yamper Pikachu Evolves Ash-Greninja Satoshi-Gekkouga Piplup Farfetch'd Greninja Returns Ash and Greninja Reunite Ash-Greninja Returns Sirfetch'd Sobble Grookey Scorbunny Froakie Fennekin Braixen Sylveon Eevee Eternatus Zacian Zamazenta Battle for Ash Fight for Ash Fight over Ash Dracovish Mewtwo Mewtwo Returns Ash Catches Mewtwo, Ash Catches Dracovish, Ash Catches Grookey, Goh Catches Grookey • Darkest Day Isle of Armour Armor Crown Tundra • Kanto Johto Hoenn Sinnoh Unova Kalos Alola Galar • (Gengar, Sirfetch'd, Grookey, Eevee, Chloe, Koharu, SatoGou, SatoGouShipping, FirstFriendShipping, Satoshi, Ash, Gou, Goh, Infernape VS Moltres, Paul returns, Tracey returns, Project Mew, Infernape returns, Ash VS Iris, Ash battles Iris, Iris battles Ash, Dragonite VS Dragonite, Dragonite VS Dracovish, Iris's Axew Evolves, Dracovish VS Haxorus, Iris's Haxorus, Ash's reaction to Iris's Haxorus, Axew, Ash wins, Iris wins, Anipoke, Ash's old pokemon return, ash's pokemon return, ash's team, infernape returns, ash's infernape, journeys opening, theme song, 123, 1 2 3, new opening, new theme, pokemon, pokemon anime, pokemon journeys, pocket monsters, 2019, 2021, Iris returns, Champion Iris, Gary returns, gary oak, returning characters, ash ketchum, goh, gou, chloe, koharu, Dracovish, Ash catches Dracovish, Eevee, Wikstrom, Opal, Bea, Sonia) • ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬