Rokto Gorom Matha Thanda Kaaktaal


আধমরাদের গান গেয়ে চল বাঁচাই... • Translation: • Once our foes were foreign, and we shed blood for liberty. • Now it's against our own people, but our streets are still bloody. • Your pen and paper, the bullets from your gun killing your own son—your friend is weeping. • Pity, oh pity, that’s all I hear from you; tell me what the hell are you doing? • Police and troops on the streets, I recognize you as my countrymen. • But you are wielding weapons and grenades against your own children. • They stand tall holding their arms wide open—look how unguarded they came! • I've heard you handle your duties with great wisdom. • But did you ever consider to whom you actually owe this duty ? • With blood boiling but your head cool, have you thought about it? • This nation is not anyone's father's property, this government doesn’t belong to a family. • Every citizen owns this land; thus, you too, just like me. • Laborers, lawyers, and doctors—from artists to engineers, • students, traders, and soldiers—every worker doing their part each day • and building this nation with their blood and sweat. • It was they who elected the government, by the way. • Tell me, then, to whom does this land belong? Who is to hold the power? • Who should command and who should serve, have you ever considered? • I know you would argue that your hands are tied; You have your entire family to see; • How would you feed this much need without trading your loyalty? • Yes, your hands are tied, but think about who chained them, my brother! • The kings who rule are few; what can they do if the people band together? • By far, the masses outnumber them. • You fear losing the little you have, so you’re worshiping the throne. • Then let me ask you: What’s worth more—a few days of power and money, or a life? • Tell me, what’s worth more? a few days of power and money, or your child? • With blood boiling but your head cool, try to see what's lurking on the horizon. • They say, All those who died were imbecile ; but we are clever, unlike them. • Do you know who I am? Do you know my name? • I know that arrogance leads one to fall. So look into your soul: • No logic leading to these killings; it's rather the dictator— along with your name right beside • what will happen to you now? What will become of you and your children too? • If a bullet strikes your son, how will you ensure justice? • You don’t have any rights here, no one has any rights. • What would you do? • Who is to blame for this but we all? But more than us, it will be you. • With blood boiling but your head cool, have you thought about it? • Think about this 'abuse game': who did to whom in whose name? • With blood boiling but your head cool, think through and through. • The people want peace and justice for all, • If you block their path, why would they heed your call? • Those who snatch our peace then kill us if we point it out. • What kind of pact or conversation can there be held about? • If the land is free, then why does it still feel like we are in custody? • Many such questions are left to ask; fine, I understand, the change will come. • But what's next, then? Is there any alternative to this system? • Or the same old story—the same stale, stinking mockery? • You would have understood what I meant if you knew our history. • The government is not just a leader, bro; all of us together make the government. • Tell me who can harm our country if we all do our bit. • Alright! Okay! I got you! But how can i protest? • What if we went into the streets unarmed and were shot at? • Ha ha, if you stop firing, who's left to fire anyway? • If you don't order to fire, who is going to shoot? • What do you say? • You have better things to do in your offices, if not the streets. • Don't follow their dirty commands; don't be their showpieces.  • Please stop corruption right away this time; let's establish morality. • What goes around comes around; that's nature's reality. • Verily, you reap what you sow. • Raise your voices and speak up for your rights. • Practice what you preach and hold each others hands. • Then build up harmony from your respective positions; • And If you can't do that, quit your job. • Victory will come, if not now, then soon. • And it will restore your honors too. • If you can’t be your children’s pride, what will be left of you? • No respect, no value. • Ask your inner self, isn't it true? • Doesn’t your blood boil when you stop for a while and think this through? • So, keep you head cool and let your blood boil. • A long way to go with our wily enemies looming around. • Why fight among brothers while together we are one and strong? • To one nation we belong, and we all demand the same. • We want our rights; we want justice. • Peace and freedom are on everyone's common wishlist. • The fall of the inhumane mafia regime is loading. • May humanity lead us to the break of a new dawn. • Hold your steering strong with a cool head and keep your blood boiling. • The dawn is near; look up; here comes our blood-bathed scarlet sun. • • #RedAgainstOppression • #SaveBangladeshiStudents • #kaaktaal


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