Best Team for Every Region
So let’s just address the title first hand real quick. It is impossible to have a universal best team for all the games because you cant bring teams back in time due to some Pokemon obviously not existing prior to their debut generation. What if we had a Pokemon Game with all the regions in it, though? I know that’s pretty much impossible and I could never see Game Freak doing that, but if they did just imagine how cool it would be to use Pokemon from other regions you wouldn’t normally see there. For example seeing a Nidoran in Unova or Bunnelby in Kanto. As you guys know I have made best teams for every main series Pokemon game, along with remakes, all the way up to Pokemon Ultra Sun and Moon. Let’s Go kind of muddies the water and makes unnecessary changes. My mission today is to take six Pokemon from across all the best teams I’ve created, and bring them together to make one incredible team. This team is going to be put through a gauntlet in a Pokemon game that features every single region from generations one through seven. Before I get into which Pokemon will be featured on this team, we are going to explain the process in which we came to choose these Pokemon and a few other important things that go into our decisions. If you noticed, I said ‘we’ because I am not alone in this! Pokemon YouTuber Dobbs is here to help me out! • Dobbs' Video: • The BEST Pokemon From Every Main Seri... • Latest MysticSage Video: • Pick up Your Shepherd's Delight, Family Eeveelution, and Which One? Starter Shirts Here: • • Follow me on Twitch: / mysticumbreon • Check out our community discord: or this one if the first one doesn't work / discord • Follow me on Instagram: mysticumbreon_ • Follow me on Twitter: / mysticumbreon94 • Support me on Patreon: / mysticumbreon • Patrons who have donated: JDinis, Aanvik, The4thgengamer, Coolindude, Jasmin Skoplijak, Tyree Awantaye, Savannah (my secretary), Poketuber, The Sith'ari, Kepheus, ChikoritaCheezits, SpikeSP, Flyjubilee, JesseTheRuby, Frostfang5412, Daniel Leon, and Diane Wierzbicki, and Lady Krimzen, Derpy Poster, Dylan Clough, and Miguel Poissant. Pub Sparky Wynx, Gasnort, Pal491, Ryan Turk, Lightningwolf4r, TheLazyLeo, AwesomeLego, Sodden Grider, AkAjmc