How to Twist a Side Braid for Men
El Rubio demonstrates how to twist a side braid, in yet another dope hair tutorial for men. This technique will help you master the different feel from braiding behind your head to the side. So give us a thumbs up champ. • 💥 • RECOMMENDED VIDEOS 📹 • • CRUCIAL Golf Tutorial: Keep Your Hair... • • How To Braid Your Hair (For Guys) • • 3 Impressive Men’s Long Hairstyles fo... • 💥 • LONG HAIR TIPS: You don't need to be a hair expert...but there are a few things every guy with long hair needs to know. Get the basics with Quick Tips: • 💥 • HAIR TIES FOR GUYS: You’re a guy. With long hair. You’re different. So why are you using the same hair tie as your little sister, or your mom? Get superior hair ties for men: • 💥 • LET IT RIDE