Unbelievable scenes 2019 Plane crash just missed on 222
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=vAf6J9qstN4
After working a 10 hour shift earlier, I am dropped off at Raleigh-Durham INTL Airport, bound for Seattle-Tacoma and then Ted Steven's INTL. I rode with my now ex wife, and 3 friends, Gary, Edd and Johnny. (Gary and my ex are heard ranting since he behind me with Johnny, while Edd was behind the side of their seat, and my wife is to the left of me, next to the window.) • Having severe Jetlag and Johnny running his mouth about being worried about losing his carry on, I have a severe headache, and the stewardesses were rude as fuck. (yOuR cArRy oN iS tO bIg.) And shit. • Once we arrive in Seattle, we call up Josh and his little brother, Anthony(our ride in Anchorage.) We tell him we had a safe but unpleasant flight. (He recommended Delta, which I wanted because Delta is the best airline I've had, but because my ex had milage or whatever with Alasaka Shitlines, we made the unfortunate mistake of taking it.) He tells us to call him when we get on the Seattle plane to Anchorage, as his rented Hotel was somewhere near Wasilla. • After the 5 of us are in the airport, Edd is playing Bitlife and wanted to show me and my wife his gameplay, and Gary calls his mother and tells her about landing safely. • We soon here a kid screaming at the top of his lungs NOOO! I DON'T WANNA GET ON, I WANNA SLEEP! in a very, very shrill and painful voice. Me and my ex cover our ears, Edd is frustrated and Johnny is on the verge of shouting FUCK OFF!! (Johnny has a bigger temper than me.) • While I have a headache, I here the child calming down, but still whining about wanting to sleep, and my ex holds my hand and tells me to try and sleep. (Which I couldn't, aside from the whining brat, my headache, jetlag and stress is in a high amount, surprisngly I didn't have a heart attack.) • The father of the brat, you'd think it was his grandfather, since the old ass looks 50 years old, and the child is 12. (He mentioned the children's ages to a worker asking how old the child was, due to the disruption.) He ignores him, and starts talking to the other boy (the one with the earbuds over his ears.) And ignores the child. I did overhear him talking about Sacramento, whatever the hell he brought it up for is unknown, but I heard that keyword and his laughter afterwords. • Eventually, despite us proclaiming we were going to move seats, we never did, and board the plane, while the kid was crying until then, he starts his screaming again, shouting Let me sleep, dad! And cries even louder. There was no mother present (No shit, I'd have left this fucker too.) • Johnny and Edd had gotten us drinks from the nearby restaurant, so we all drink our Dr. Peppers and try and relax, though me and my wife are bewildered that we're coincidentally sitting next to the bastard. • I tell the old hag flight attendant (not the one at the end.) Can you please move my seat, I can't deal with this crap. She says I can't do that. Smug as hell. The child, who overheard, starts whining to his father That man is yelling about me! While crying, and starts kicking the chair in front of him. • Edd and my wife groan and sit down, however, Edd's seat is moved, since it wasn't his assigned seat, and Gary and Johnny sit behind us. • I ask the flight attendant, Tara Winters, (The fatass at the end.) If she could tell them to be quiet. She replies Not my problem. Smug as fuck. Likely as a result, the kid is calmer, as seen in the video. About 4 minutes later, I decide to record the brat, to shame him for his outburst and disruption, and also to get the flight attendants unprofessional behavior on tape. • Me, my ex and Gary rant about him for several minutes, and me, still frustrated due to the stress earlier, decide to shout out Goddammit would you shut up?! Gary says Finally. And a man in front of me says Damn. • Then, little fat bitch Tara shows up again, and, while breaking the rules and acting like flight attendants are kings, threatens to throw me off. I clench my fist, resisting punching her, in which she says dOn'T pUt YoUr hAnDs Up tO Me. And walks off, after I stopped recording. • Later, a man, who says I'm the airline superior. (Or supervisor) asks me what happened, in which I explain that I was highly stressed, tired and the kid pushed me too a snapping point. He tells me he understands my situation, that he has had to deal with children screaming before, but warns me that any more incidents and I would have to be escorted off the plane by police. • As a consequence, me and my ex's seat was moved to the back right. After the flight, we asked to see a manager/official. The woman who shows up asks for my email, and me and the 4 others explain the situation, she sees the video and recognizes the employee, Ms. Tara Winters. She has me send the full video to an email she gave me. An email responed weeks later saying she was fired. • #FuckAlaskaAirlines #SnowflakeComments • #PublicFreakout • #Hero • #Plane