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Get more case briefs explained with Quimbee. Quimbee has over 16,300 case briefs (and counting) keyed to 223 casebooks ► • Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission | 558 U.S. 310 (2010) • Hillary: The Movie was a 90-minute documentary created by Citizens United, a nonprofit corporation, designed to be a feature-length attack on Hillary Clinton. The movie sparked more than just political controversy during the 2008 election. It also led to a landmark United States Supreme Court case about the regulation of campaign spending by corporations. • Section 441(b) of the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002 prohibited corporations from publicly advocating for or against a candidate before an election. The act authorized the Federal Election Commission to enforce this prohibition. • Citizens United requested a preliminary injunction against the Federal Election Commission, in an attempt to prevent the commission from applying the act to Hillary: The Movie. The nonprofit argued that the act was an unconstitutional restriction on political speech by corporations, and it therefore violated the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. • The district court denied the injunction, relying on precedent that had previously upheld section 441(b) as constitutional. Using the special appellate procedures under the act, Citizens United skipped the Court of Appeals and petitioned directly to the United States Supreme Court. • Want more details on this case? Get the rule of law, issues, holding and reasonings, and more case facts here: • The Quimbee App features over 16,300 case briefs keyed to 223 casebooks. Try it free for 7 days! ► • Have Questions about this Case? Submit your questions and get answers from a real attorney here: • Did we just become best friends? Stay connected to Quimbee here: Subscribe to our YouTube Channel ► • Quimbee Case Brief App ► • Facebook ► / quimbeedotcom • Twitter ► / quimbeedotcom • #casebriefs #lawcases #casesummaries