Vivaldi Filiæ mæstæ Jerusalem RV 638 Eser
'Filiæ mæstæ Jerusalem' • Motet ('introduzione al Miserere') for alto, 2 violins, viola and basso continuo • Text: anonymous • Music: Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741) • Composition: probably between 1713 and 1717 • ___ • Eser, contralto • Bass realisation and programming: Marc D. • Recording: May 2012 • Pitch: A = 415 Hz • ___ • 00:00 - 1. Recitativo: Filiæ mæstæ Jerusalem • 01:48 - 2. Aria: Sileant zephyri • 08:59 - 3. Recitativo: Sed tenebris diffusis • ___ • Score by Martin Straeten, edited by myself. • In the aria's da capo, the ornamentation in the first-violin part closely follows that of a 2003 performance of this work by Il Seminario Musicale conducted by Gérard Lesne. • Marc D.