Haíɫzaqv λiác̓i Heiltsuk Bighouse

>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=vCxJSKX4UO8

The Heiltsuk Nation is preparing for the opening of the Gvúkva’áus Haíɫzaqv (house of the Haíɫzaqv). The Canadian government banned the potlatch from 1885 to 1951. They attempted to kill our way of life and failed. We are shifting history and making it a celebration because the ancestors fought so hard to keep our culture alive. • Please share how the opening of the Haíɫzaqv λiác̓i (Heiltsuk Bighouse) makes you feel with the hashtag: #HeiltsukBighouseOpening • Say it loud and proud Haíɫzaqv Nation! #HaíɫzaqvStrong


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