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My Rapture Tribulation Vision: https://goo.gl/4Og0Ug • PLEASE SUPPORT PERSECUTED CHRISTIANS: https://goo.gl/cu5oDk ♦ http://goo.gl/NFwEkD • ►▼▼[ 100% PROOF THAT CHRISTIANITY IS THE TRUTH ]▼▼◄ (FEEL FREE TO COPY/PASTE THIS COMMENT ANYWHERE OR PRINT IT OUT AND GIVE IT AWAY) • ♣[ (1.) SUPERNATURAL EXPERIENCES/VISIONS FROM GOD ]♣ • MY VISIONS OF GOD: https://goo.gl/dPtYFx https://goo.gl/2Mbgfn These are my testimonies of how God visited me in open visions and gave me a message and a prophecy. • My ENCOUNTERS WITH DEMONS: https://goo.gl/AW57my https://goo.gl/6pxJz6 These are my testimonies of how I was attacked by demons. • ✔[ (2.) 2000+ FULFILLED BIBLE PROPHECIES ]✔ (Here are some prophecies that the Bible said would come to pass before the End Times): (1) People will deny that GOD created the universe and that He judged them through Noah’s flood. (2 Peter 3:3, 5, 6) Atheists are now claiming that the universe created itself out of nothing. (2) The message of the Gospel will reach all the nations. (Matthew 24:14) Remember that Christianity started out with only a few dozen followers. Jesus prophesying that His message will reach the world is proof of its divine inspiration. (3) Jews will return to Israel, their homeland. (Ezekiel 34:13) (4) Israel will be a nation for the 3rd time. (Amos 9:14-15). (5) There will be money hungry preachers that deceive Christians and lead them away from the truth. (2 Peter 2:1-3) (6) Scoffers will mock the Second Coming by claiming these signs have always been around. (2 Peter 3:3, 4) • ~ WE KNOW THAT THE BIBLE IS INSPIRED BY GOD BECAUSE IT HAS CORRECTLY PREDICTED THE FUTURE OVER AND OVER AGAIN ~ • ◘ [ Speaking of end times, God gave me visions about the rapture, the antichrist, and tribulations. Obama is the future antichrist. He will be revealed after the rapture of the bride of Christ. And the rapture will be covered up by some sort of an alien abduction theory. If the rapture happens and you get left behind, remember, aliens didn’t abduct those people, God raptured those Christians to heaven. ]◘ • ▲[ (3.) NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCES/HEAVEN HELL TESTIMONIES ]▼ Near death experiences prove Christianity! We find testimonies of former atheists, Buddhists, Muslims, etc. claiming they died, went to the afterlife but were saved and brought back by Jesus Christ. There are countless testimonies just on YouTube alone and the people that ventured into the afterlife describe the Christian concept of life after death (heaven hell). If NDE’s were open to interpretation, we would find testimonies of people saying that when they died, they met Allah or Muhammad or Buddha. But since we only find testimonies of people saying they were saved by Jesus, we have additional evidence that Christianity is the truth. When Muslims die, they don’t hallucinate about Allah and when Hindus die, they don’t hallucinate about reincarnation. What we see is the truth of Christianity being preached by those that died and came back. Here are some testimonies: https://goo.gl/tm4myD https://goo.gl/7RVhx1 https://goo.gl/PibnTY https://goo.gl/tghpA9 https://goo.gl/ket6gj • ♥[ (4.) PRESERVATION OF THE BIBLE ]♥ Because we have 5000+ ancient manuscripts of the Bible, we have a great deal of evidence that the contents of each book of the Bible have been preserved and that the Bible has not been changed to make up for prophecy. The ancient manuscripts date all the way back to around 250 BC and verify with the modern Christian Bible. Check out this site to see ancient manuscripts: http://goo.gl/JVmWHm • ♦[ (5.) FACTS FROM THE BIBLE THAT HAVE BEEN VERIFIED BY MODERN SCIENCE ]♦ (Remember, these facts were written thousands of years ago): (1) The Earth free floats in space. (Job 26:7) At the time, people thought the earth sat on a large animal. (2) The Earth is round. (Isaiah 40:22) At the time, people thought the earth was flat. (3) Blood is the source of life. (Leviticus 17:11) Up until the 1700s, people were bled because they thought that would get rid of their sickness. They should have listened to the Bible. (4) Air has weight. (Job 28:25) (5) Air has a cycle. (Ecclesiastes 1:6) (6) There are hot water vents at the bottoms of deep seas. (Job 38:16) This fact wasn't verified until the 20th century with submarine technology. • ► Do you know where you are going when you die (heaven or hell)? I encourage you to come to Jesus Christ TODAY. He died so you can be forgiven. Believe in Him, confess your sins, and repent of your sins (turn away from your sins). Many Christians nowadays believe the lie of once saved always saved. They think they can commit whatever sin they want and still make it to heaven. Don't be deceived, there is a hell. Those that died and came back, testify of its existence.◄ • ✿✿✿(PLEASE COPY/PASTE THIS DOCUMENT ANYWHERE OR PRINT IT OUT AND GIVE IT TO PEOPLE. HELP BRING AS MANY AS YOU CAN TO CHRIST. ...The harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few... - Matthew 9:37)✿✿✿


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