K2 Force and Motion STEMscopes at Home

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Visit https://www.stemscopes.com/ to learn more. • In this activity, students identify push and pull forces at work in everyday life at school. Students will then conduct an investigation to collect, represent, and analyze data from observations and measurements to demonstrate the effects of pushes and pulls with different strengths and directions. • If you are a STEMscopes customer you can assign work from the following scopes to help supplement the activity highlighted in this video: • NGSS3D: K Pushes And Pulls • CANGSS3D: K Pushes And Pulls • Alabama: K.1 Pushes and Pulls • Georgia: 2P2A Pushes and Pulls • Mississippi: P.2.6 Force and Motion • Tennessee: 2 Pushes and Pulls in Collisions • North Carolina: 1.P.1.1 Pushes and Pulls • Massachusetts: K Pushes and Pulls • Virginia: 2.2AC Force and Motion • Click the links below for the handouts that will be used during this investigation: • Student Journal: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1nJM... • Student Guide: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1c4T... • Here are links to additional resources you can use to further learn about this topic: • STEMscopedia Reading Passage: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1dhz... • Content Connection Video: https://cdn.acceleratelearning.com/CC... • Content Connection Handout: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Z4a... • Understanding how a force changes the position and motion of objects plays an important role in preparing students for later grades when they design their own force experiments. A force is a push or pull that causes an object to move, stop, or change direction. People, objects, or nature can pull or push an object. A catcher stopping a thrown baseball, a bulldozer pushing dirt, and the wind pushing leaves over a field are examples of pushing forces. A mother pulling on a toddler’s arm to stop the child from running, a tow truck pulling a car out of a ditch, and gravity pulling water down are examples of pulling forces that stop, move, and change the direction of an object. A magnet can pull certain metal objects. Friction can pull on objects and slow them down. • Several hundred years ago, Sir Isaac Newton, a British scientist, figured out some rules about how objects move. He concluded that the bigger the mass of an object, the bigger the force needed to move the object. The smaller the mass of an object, the smaller the force needed to move the object. For example, it takes a much stronger pushing or pulling force to move a real car than to move a toy car. Exerting a pushing or pulling force on a car may allow you to move the car over a distance, which means its position has changed. • A swing is actually a pendulum that goes back and forth. Students can brainstorm how to make a pendulum game with a weight on a string to see who can propel (push) a small object the farthest. Games with balls that push objects, such as bowling, can be constructed on a small scale in the classroom to explore moving objects with a rolling ball. A real wagon can be used to demonstrate the ease with which it allows heavy objects to be moved, or miniature wagon-like vehicles may be constructed in the classroom to simulate this. Drawings or measurements can be made of the movement of the objects in each of these games to emphasize the change in position that occurred across a certain distance.


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