Prince Caspian Official Trailer
This is the first official trailer of the disapointing movie The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian . • It was made by Walden Media and Walt Disney Pictures and distorted by Andrew Adamson. • It is hardly based on the book by C.S.Lewis and was released on May 16, 2008 making alot less money than they expected. • • • • Also, after the trailer is a short little video I made called The Fragrance of Narnia which explores the meaning of the word gastrovascular which was used in the first film while the children were playing the dictionary game. • • For The Aroma of Narnia: Prince Gaspian, click here: • • • The Aroma of Narnia (Part 2 of 2) • • • Here are some reviews of the Film: • • It was actually a pretty good movie, just not C. S. Lewis' Prince Caspian. They should have named it Prince Fraspian or something like that. The widespread 21st century ideas about God are clearly portrayed. The lion is fairly unhelpful during the whole movie, didn't have authority over the river, and overall wasn't part of the story at all like Aslan was in the book. The movie is an insight about how our world, even today's Christian, sees God: distant, unhelpful, and late. Aslan was not like this in the book. The movie caught a few aspects about the real character of Aslan: just enough to make it confusing. • • It's time for a new director. The first one languished in bible-belt patronizing, and this one deviates so much from the book that it's practically undistinguishable. Adamson just doesn't get it. He should be a CO-director in charge of battle scenes. He just doesn't get the mystical aspect of the stories and he has completely screwed up the image of Aslan. Very sad. • • • If you're looking for an adventure movie this will do. If you're looking for C.S. Lewis - the director did NOT live up to his promise to keep to the book. • • This second film of Narnia is in no way up to the standards of the first one. In fact, it is too long, almost unwatchable, and way too much into stupid swords Scorcery for any CS Lewis fan to swallow. Stay away from this one! • • I strongly feel that this second addition to the movie version of The Chronicles falls flat when compared to the magic of C.S. Lewis' original concept. It lacks the continuity of his intended message of faith and retains none of the sense of wonder and exploration that the book holds. The actors whom played the children do as wonderful a job as they did in the first film, but unfortunately they were not given enough 'beef' to build upon in order to flex their theatrical muscles . The fight scenes were long and drawn out, one of which didn't exist in the book. The movie was completely out of sequence and dwelled more so on feelings of revenge and envy vs. the issues of faith and believing in yourself you'd find within the covers of each of the books. Do not begin your movie viewing experience with the expectation of seeing a product remotely resembling the book.