Agricola by Tacitus Full Audiobook Audiodidact
Purchase a physical copy of this book here: • Interested in more audiobooks? Sign up for a free 30 day trial of Audible here and listen to thousands of titles all you want, whenever you want. Stream or download to listen offline! Free 30-day trial: • The Agricola (Latin: De vita et moribus Iulii Agricolae, lit. On the life and character of Julius Agricola) is a book by the Roman historian Tacitus, written c 98, which recounts the life of his father-in-law Gnaeus Julius Agricola, an eminent Roman general. It also covers, briefly, the geography and ethnography of ancient Britain. As in the Germania, Tacitus favorably contrasts the liberty of the native Britons to the corruption and tyranny of the Empire; the book also contains eloquent and vicious polemics against the rapacity and greed of Rome. This translation by Alfred John Church and William Jackson Brodribb, was first published in 1877 • Support the channel by subscribing for new audiobooks every week! • Audio content is a Librivox recording. All Librivox recordings are in the public domain. For more information or to volunteer visit • Disclaimer: As an Amazon Associate and affiliate with other companies, we may earn from qualifying purchases. Your purchases through Amazon / affiliate links may generate revenue for this channel at no cost to you! Thank you for your support.