How To Blow A Shofar Rams Horn Trumpet
This is How To Blow A Shofar in Simple Terms. In a recent video where I showed you a tour of where I grew up, I had a couple of requests to blow the shofar (rams horn trumpet). This is my many attempts to get it right and have a little fun making music in the process. • Blowing a shofar is harder than it looks (I think you'll see this in the video), and certainly takes a bit of practice. Basically, all you need to do is form your lips tightly as if you were making a P sound. Then blow out without inflating your lips and without spitting. After a little practice and about passing out from lack of'll catch on and be making beautiful music in no time. • Imagine if you were the Israelite's marching around the city of Jericho all day blowing your trumpet (shofar). It wouldn't have been easy but it would have been one of the most beautiful sights and sounds to have witnessed. Imagine all the men marching, the different tones, and the city walls crashing down all around the city. It must have been glorious! • This is just my simple attempt to have a little fun on video and try my hand of this beautiful instrument. • God Bless, • Wayne • • My WebTV Show Channel - • My Seed Savers Community On Google+ - • My Pay It Forward Community On Google+ - • Pinterest - / aworld4change • Twitter - / wmeador • Recorded With - Canon VIXIA HF R400 - • Thumbnail Image Created With - Tube Slicer - http://rfd913fire.slicerapps.hop.clic... • See A List Of All Slicer Apps Products - http://rfd913fire.slicerapps.hop.clic...