Reax from newspaper to Chirac speech headlines


(1 Jun 2005) • • 1. Various exteriors of Le Figaro building • 2. Various of news room • 3. Set up of Nicolas Beytout, Le Figaro executive editor • 4. Beytout listening to speech by French President Jacques Chirac • 5. SOUNDBITE: (English) Nicolas Beytout, Le Figaro executive editor: • This is a very difficult time for the President because he lost the referendum, because his majority is destroyed and there is a lot of competition inside his majority, so his message is keep together and try to save what he has. • 6. Various of Beytout preparing the next day's edition • 7. SOUNDBITE: (English) Nicolas Beytout, Le Figaro executive editor: • Yes, it is largely, for a large part, a vote against the government, not a vote against the idea of Europe. The second question is, is it now a new start with a new team and a new spirit of confidence? My view is no. It will be very difficult for Villepin to relaunch confidence. • 8. Wide shot of pages from Wednesday's edition • 9. Various shots of the front page of Wednesday's international edition • 10. SOUNDBITE: (English) Nicolas Beytout, Le Figaro executive editor: • My bet is that President Chirac expects that Villepin will save, will preserve the end of the mandate of the President of the Republic. • 11. Wide shot of pages from Wednesday's edition • 12. Medium shot of headline reading: UMP deputies want to believe in Villepin-Sarkozy harmony • • STORYLINE: • • French President Jacques Chirac made a national televised address on Tuesday evening to announce who he has chosen to replace Jean-Pierre Raffarin as prime minister. • • Shaken by the defeat of the European Union constitution in last Sunday's referendum, Chirac appointed Dominique de Villepin, a loyalist who jetted around the globe galvanising international opposition to the Iraq war, as prime minister to lead a new government. • • De Villepin, 51, moves from the Interior Ministry to replace Raffarin, dumped after voters roundly rejected Chirac's call to ratify a European Union constitution, humiliating the 72-year-old president who is a leading proponent of the charter. • • Chirac asked Villepin to form a new government the make-up of which isn't expected to be announced until at least Wednesday. • • Nicolas Beytout, the executive editor of Le Figaro newspaper, said it was a difficult time for Chirac because his majority is destroyed and there is a lot of competition inside his majority, so his message is keep together and try to save what he has . • • My bet is that President Chirac expects that Villepin will save, will preserve the end of the mandate of the President of the Republic, said Beytout. • • De Villepin was Chirac's voice at the UN Security Council in the crisis over Iraq in 2003, arguing that war should be a last resort. • • Find out more about AP Archive: • Twitter:   / ap_archive   • Facebook:   / aparchives   ​​ • Instagram:   / apnews   • • • You can license this story through AP Archive:


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