高階耳機怎麼選?HD800s vs AKG K872 vs AudioTechnica ATHADX5000
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市面上號稱旗艦耳機的產品這麼多,老老實實做產品的產品卻屈指可數。Sennheiser HD800S、Audio-Technica ATH-ADX5000跟AKG K872是目前市場上6萬到七萬間可以算是實至名歸的高階旗艦耳機。 • 但是,每個人對於音樂、聲音的口味都不同,該怎麼挑選呢?讓品嘉音響快速地帶大家來了解吧! • The are numbers of “flagship” premium headphones in the market, but sometimes only few of those have the fundamental skills to create the premium headphones. The Sennheiser HD800s, Audio-Technica ATH-ADX5000, and AKG K872 are the best flagship headphones at NT$60k to NT$70k range. • But, we all have personal tastes and preferences toward sound and music, how do we find the one for ourselves? Let PinCha Audio guides y’all to the right path! • ====== • Sennheiser HD800s:https://www.pincha.com.tw/products/se... • Audio-Technica ATH-ADX5000:https://pinchaaudio.tw/ath-adx5000 • AKG K872:https://www.pincha.com.tw/products/ak... • ====== • 品嘉音響官網:https://www.pincha.com.tw • 品嘉音響Facebook官方粉絲團: / pincha.audio • 品嘉音響官方Instagram: / pinchaaudio