Antoine de SaintExupéry Biography English
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry was a french writer and aviator. With his two friends Henri Guillaumet and Jean Mermoz, he was a pioneer of international postal flight. He wrote several bestselling book like Wind, Sand and Stars , Southern Mail , The Wisdom of the Sands , Night Flight , Flight to Arras and The Little Prince . Engaged in the battles of World War II, he fulfilled photographic reconnaissance missions. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry disappeared over the Mediterranean Sea aboard Lockheed P-38/F-5 Lightning n°268223, July 31, 1944. • Antoine de Saint-Exupéry Biography - English - 2015 • French version available on YouTube ( • Antoine de Saint-Exupéry Biographie -... ) • Music: Ezietto History of Empire ( • |Musique libre de droits| Ezietto - H... )