Create Evaluate and Score a Churn Prediction Model
Are you interested in learning how to create, evaluate, and score a churn prediction model in Microsoft Fabric? In this webinar, we'll present an end-to-end example of a Synapse Data Science workflow in Microsoft Fabric. The scenario builds a model to predict whether or not bank customers churn. The churn rate, or the rate of attrition, involves the rate at which bank customers end their business with the bank. • • • This tutorial covers these steps: • • Install custom libraries • • Load the data • • Understand and process the data through exploratory data analysis, and show the use of the Fabric Data Wrangler feature • • Use scikit-learn and LightGBM to train machine learning models, and track experiments with the MLflow and Fabric Autologging features • • Evaluate and save the final machine learning model • • Show the model performance with Power BI visualizations • • #HackTogether #MicrosoftFabric