Petrus Abaelardus Planctus David
New videos and pieces everyday. • Like and subscribe to our channel: / @classicalmusicforall3276 • Petrus Abaelardus (c. 1079 – 1142) was a medieval French scholastic philosopher, leading logician, theologian, poet, composer and musician. • Abelard was long known as an important poet and composer. He composed some celebrated love songs for Héloïse that are now lost, and which have not been identified in the anonymous repertoire. (One known romantic poem / possible lyric remains, Dull is the Star .) Héloïse praised these songs in a letter: The great charm and sweetness in language and music, and a soft attractiveness of the melody obliged even the unlettered . His education in music was based in his childhood learning of the traditional quadrivium studied at the time by almost all aspiring medieval scholars. • Abelard composed a hymnbook for the religious community that Héloïse joined. This hymnbook, written after 1130, differed from contemporary hymnals, such as that of Bernard of Clairvaux, in that Abelard used completely new and homogeneous material. The songs were grouped by metre, which meant that it was possible to use comparatively few melodies. Only one melody from this hymnal survives, O quanta qualia. • Abelard also wrote six biblical planctus (laments): • Planctus Dinae filiae Iacob; inc.: Abrahae proles Israel nata (Planctus I) • Planctus Iacob super filios suos; inc.: Infelices filii, patri nati misero (Planctus II) • Planctus virginum Israel super filia Jepte Galadite; inc.: Ad festas choreas celibes (Planctus III) • Planctus Israel super Samson; inc.: Abissus vere multa (Planctus IV) • Planctus David super Abner, filio Neronis, quem Ioab occidit; inc.: Abner fidelissime (Planctus V) • Planctus David super Saul et Jonatha; inc.: Dolorum solatium (Planctus VI). • Performers: • Paul Hillier (Baritone) • Stephen Stubbs (Medieval lute)