Retroid Pocket 3 PPSSPP V114 and 60FPS Cheats


PPSSPP receieved a large update literally after my last video went up. We'll have a look at that and also some 60FPS cheats for different games that make them even nicer to play. Links and info below on how to use them. • Links: • Retroid Pocket 3+ - • PPSSPP - • 60FPS Codes - • (Each game has codes for the different regions and you'll need to add these codes to an INI file inside your cheats folder. For me the directory for that is this Android\\data\\org.ppsspp.ppsspp\\files\\PSP\\Cheats . When you've enabled cheats in PPSSPP's Settings/System/Enable Cheats a game can create an INI for itself when you swipe back and see the option Cheats to the right of your save/load states. If it does not then you can create an INI yourself with notepad, first find the cheat you want and at the top of the cheat next to the game title it'll tell you the serial number for example ULUS10176 and then you need to save your INI file with that as the name . When you save you have to change the Save as type to All Files and then the file name should be the serial and .ini after, so ULUS-10176.ini and you can paste the cheat codes for that game inside and save it. As long as you place that in your Cheats folder in PPSSPP it should find it for your game, just remember what region your game is like USA, EUR etc to get it right.) • Cheat Database- • (You can download cheat.db from here and put it in your Cheats folder, now when you go to cheated you can import form cheat.db and have access to a lot of different cheats for your game) • Pegasus Frontend Custom Shinretro -    • AYN Odin Pro - Pegasus: Custom Shinretro   • Pegasus on Odin (With links to guides)    • AYN Odin Pro - Pegasus Frontend   • 00:00 - Intro/Settings • 03:03 - MotorStorm: Arctic Edge • 07:55 - Killzone: Liberation • 12:30 - Pursuit Force: Extreme Justice • 15:46 - Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops • 18:40 - Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker • 20:08 - Burnout Dominator • 23:23 - Wipeout Pure • 25:45 - Phantasy Star Portable 1 and 2 • 31:20 - Ultimate Ghosts 'n Goblins • 34:23 - Split Second • 36:22 - Gran Turismo • 39:54 - Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy • 43:00 - Syphon Filter: Logan's Shadow • 47:02 - Ace Combat: Joint Assault • 49:09 - End • #retroidpocket3 #retroid #handheld #retro #retrogaming #emulation #ppsspp #psp #playstationportable


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