Smith and Wession 1911 Scandium Frame Review
When compared against comparably-priced, lightweight 1911s, the Scandium-framed Smith and Wesson 1911 PD series are excellent. The full sized #108293 and Commander-sized #108296 are looked at in depth in this Nutnfancy review. In most POUs their lighter weight will be welcomed. And yet they shoot soft and are manageable in rapid fire (shown). Accuracy is excellent with 3 inch groups achieved at 25 yds (flier phenomena noted). However in running, practical shooting drills the accuracy, especially of the full sized 1911PD seemed magical: hits came readily and the gun was fast. The shorter 108296 was more challenging to shoot with at the same extended distances(25 yds+) but that can be overcome with training. Quality is high on both guns for the price point. The Scandium frame is stronger than aluminum and resists fatigue cracking, the CNC-milled frame shows precision, the Black Melonite finish is handsome and durable, slide fit is about right (forgot to show that on vid), the grips are nice (for service pistol), the Novak sights are serviceable, the 5lb trigger is good, and the other component choices are adequate (discussed). The S W 1911s depart from the pure John Browning formula by having external extractors, full length guide rods, and a firing pin safety system that indexes off the grip safety (similar to Kimber II series, preserving a better trigger pull). Sight dovetails are also proprietary: .305 Rear/.175 Front (not sure of the angle of the cut though). The stainless barrels and slides are forged by S W. Reliability was good but three stoppages were experienced (2 fails to feed, 1 stovepipe with Wolf ammo) in shooting of about 650 rds. All hollow point ammo fed 100% (Hornady XTP). The Commander-sized verson (DuraCoated by seems lighter than it is and would be an excellent CCW choice for 1911 fans. It was 100% reliable. The full size 1911PD's light rail is perfectly executed: low profile, multiple slots, and it fits into standard polymer 1911 holsters. As of 2010 and when quality and price are considered the SW 1911PDs have little competition and they are American-made. They are lightweight, combat-ready 1911s that will get the job done without killing your wallet or your loadout. ///////////////////////////Nutnfancy Likability Scale: 1911PD #108293: 8.5 of 10 (9.5 if safety lever was improved, 100% reliable, value considered); #108296: 8 of 10