IEICE English Webinar Distinguished Lecturer Program Series February 2025


Social Implication of Blockchain • Lecturer: Prof. Hitoshi OKADA • National Institute of Informatics • Biography: • Hitoshi Okada is an Associate Professor at the National Institute of Informatics (NII). He got his Bachelor of Public Law (LL.B.) and Bachelor of Private Law (LL.B.) from the University of Tokyo. He completed his M.A. at the Osaka School of International Public Policy (OSIPP) at Osaka University. He got his Ph.D. in International Public Policy from Osaka University. His current research topic is the social implication of blockchain. He is a Special Senior Research Fellow of the Institute for Information and Communications Policy (IICP) at Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC). He was a member of ISO/TC 307 Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies domestic committee in Japan. He was a chair of IEEE Society on Social Implications of Technology (SSIT) Japan Chapter. He published a book titled ‘Definitive Edition: Bitcoin Blockchain’ (in Japanese) from the Toyo Keizai Publisher. He was selected as a recipient of an Honorable Mention in the social science division of The DOCOMO Mobile Science Prize from the Mobile Communication Fund. • Summary: • Blockchain technology was first introduced as the underlying technology for decentralized virtual currencies. However, experiments are being conducted to utilize it as the basis for smart contracts. From a functional perspective, blockchain consists of three layers. (1) The first layer records irreversible history and serves as a source of trust. (2) The second layer implements business protocols and enables smart contracts. (3) The third layer automatically enforces rules and forms the basis of social contracts. This lecture gives an overview of the three-tiered model of the blockchain economy. Concurrently, an overview of the history behind the emergence of blockchain also will be outlined. Upon considering those points, it will be argued that the use of blockchain as a means of establishing a trust foundation is in line with the intentions of the pioneers who attempted to develop autonomous organizations in the early days. • • Send Feedback: • • Follow us on Twitter: @Ieice_trans


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