Triangle Band Pushdowns
Triangle Band Pushdowns with loops... The band pushdown is a great finishing exercise...this version adds in horizontal resistance while you're doing the pushdown to increase the contraction on the lateral head of the triceps. • This variation is going to add an additional layer of resistance to the exercise. • To do this one, you'll need a single 41 inch training band. • Click here if you need bands. • Hitch it to a high bar or cross beam and let it dangle down. • Kneel down in front of the band (if you need to - you CAN stand if you've hitched it high enough). You're going to simply grip onto the sides of the band with 5-6 inches of band between your hands, forming a triangle. • Take a similar grip on the bands but bring that center band part up a bit on both sides to make a couple of small loops in the band. Basically, you've just folded the band ends up a bit to form the bulbs at the ends. • Now you've just made HANDLES for the ends of the bands. • This simple adjustment makes the exercise MUCH better than regular band pushdowns. • Now, as you do the pushdown, stretch that center part of the band, pushing OUTWARDS. • This not only FEELS better, it works better. • Perform this exercise for moderate to high reps, trying to stretch that center part of the band at the bottom of every rep. • That's the money part of the exercise. • This exercise is a great finisher for your tricep workout and can really help improve the lateral head of your triceps, giving them a better horseshoe look. • #madscientistofmuscle #pushdowns #bandpushdowns #bandedpushdowns #triceps #triceppushdowns #lateralheadoftriceps #tricephorseshoe #pushdownvariation #tricepfinisher #pushdown #bandpushdown #bandexercise #homegym #garagegym #homegymtricepexercise