The 30 Carbine Cartridge Why


This is a discussion video in which we address the following questions from Patreon supporter Alex V: • I was wondering if you could address the choice by the US Army of the M1 Carbine in .30 Carbine, over a full-auto weapon like the Thompson or the grease gun, and in a new and otherwise un-used cartridge, instead of something already in production and in the supply chain. • What practical real world benefit would the .30 Carbine round offer that would offset the nightmare of getting yet another item to troops in all theaters of the war? • Why go to a semi-auto carbine, when the Russians and Germans were proving the effectiveness of full auto SMGs that could also be fired single shot from the shoulder? • While the M1 Carbine is a handy little rifle, it seems like there would have been better options available to the Americans when it was adopted. •   / inrangetv  


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