The Kongo Empire amp The Thirty Years War
Part 1 of a 101% walkthrough for Donkey Kong Country (SNES version) played on Wii U virtual console. This walkthrough will show the locations for all KONG letters and bonus areas. Note that KONG letters aren't required for 101%. I just wanted to show their locations. • In this part we complete world 1, which is titled Kongo Jungle . We complete the following levels: • 1-1: Jungle Hijinxs • 1-2: Ropey Rampage • 1-3: Reptile Rumble • 1-4: Coral Capers • I love the music that plays here. Makes me feel so nostalgic... • 1-5: Barrel Cannon Canyon • 1-6: Boss - Very Gnawty's Lair • Here's a link to the Donkey Kong Country playlist, featuring all of my DKC videos: • Donkey Kong Country 101% Walkthrough • Sunny Crappy on Twitter: