Skate Skiing Apetor Tribute
Shot in Gausta Skisenter in Rjukan, Norway, April 21 and 24, 2022. • For exact location, search for Gausta Skisenter at Google Maps, or use this link: • Rjukan: • Cross-country skate skiing: • With skate skiing, the skier provides propulsion on a smooth, firm snow surface by pushing alternating skis away from one another at an angle, in a manner similar to ice skating. • The mountain with the antenna is Gaustatoppen, 1883 meters above sealevel (6,178ft). The last part of the name toppen , means the summit . • Gaustatoppen on Wikipedia: • The red fish, in Norway we call them Røde fisker (red fishes). • The red fish on Wikipedia: • The name of the chocolate bar I eat in the video is Kvikk Lunsj. • Kvikk Lunsj on Wikipedia: • Shot with iPhone 11 Pro Max and a tripod. Edited in iMovie on my iPhone. • Subscribe to the official Hansen of Norway YouTube channel: / @hansenofnorwayfilm • Playlist, all my Apetor Tribute videos: • Apetor Tribute Videos • This is a tribute to Apetor. Rest in peace Tor Eckhoff. You will never be forgotten. Your videos will live on forever. • Apetor YouTube channel: / apetor • 1,000 views June 1, 2022. Thank you so much! • 5,000 November 14, 2023.