Teach the eFAST exam remotely 34 Left Upper Quadrant
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In this series, Dr Peter Weimersheimer and myself teach the Royal College of Surgeons Ireland #RCSI #Sonogames team how to perform the Extended Focused Assessment with Sonography in Trauma #eFAST #POCUS exam. This episode it's the Left Upper Quadrant component of the exam. • Chapters • 0:00 Introduction • 2:16 LUQ - Nicolas Lim • 8:53 LUQ by Dr Peter Weimersheimer • 14:16 LUQ - Nicolas Lim • Tips - • Hold the probe with your fingers underneath - between the probe and the trolley • Mantra is 'To the Head and to the bed' • To the bed - push your hand + probe into the bed. If you direct probe too anteriorly, you will see stomach and spleen. If you direct more posteriorly, you will see spleno-renal angle. • To the head - the LUQ interface is higher than you think it is. Move the probe more cephalad. • Free fluid appears between spleen and diaphragm not the spleen and kidney. Make sure to clear the space superiorly. • Free fluid appears as sharp angles as opposed to fluid in bowel / stomach (which is rounded and no edges)