First Language Acquisition in Applied Linguistics First Language Acquisition Theories
#firstlanguageacquisition • #firstlanguageacquisitioninappliedlinguistics • #firstlanguageacquisitioninlinguistics • #firstlanguageacquisitiontheories • This video is about; • First Language Acquisition in Applied Linguistics| First Language Acquisition Theories. • First language acquisition refers to the process by which children learn their native language. Applied Linguistics is the field that studies language in use and its practical applications in various areas such as language teaching, translation, and language policy. • There are several theories of first language acquisition that have been proposed in Applied Linguistics. Here are some of the most prominent ones: • Behaviorist Theory: This theory, proposed by B.F. Skinner, suggests that children acquire language through operant conditioning and reinforcement. According to this theory, children learn to speak by imitating the language they hear around them and by receiving positive reinforcement for correct language use. • Innatist Theory: This theory, proposed by Noam Chomsky, suggests that children are born with an innate ability to acquire language. According to this theory, children have a language acquisition device (LAD) that enables them to acquire the rules of their native language quickly and efficiently. • Constructivist Theory: This theory, proposed by Lev Vygotsky, suggests that language acquisition is a social process that occurs through interactions with more knowledgeable others. According to this theory, children learn language by engaging in conversations with parents, caregivers, and other adults who provide them with input and feedback. • Cognitive Theory: This theory, proposed by Jean Piaget, suggests that language acquisition is a cognitive process that occurs as children develop their mental abilities. According to this theory, children learn language as they develop their understanding of the world around them. • Sociocultural Theory: This theory, proposed by Lev Vygotsky, suggests that language acquisition is influenced by social and cultural factors. According to this theory, children learn language through interactions with others who provide them with opportunities to use language in social contexts. • These theories have helped researchers and educators better understand the complex process of first language acquisition and have provided valuable insights into how language development can be supported in young children. • • Here's the link to Stephen Krashen's Theories and Hypothesis • • Stephen Krashen Theory of Second Lang... • • Here's the link to Important Questions for Applied Linguistics • • Important Questions for Applied Lingu... • • Here's the link to English Vocabulary with Meanings • • English Vocabulary Words| English Voc...