Getting My Bicep Tattoo
Just got this tattoo today! I love it! But man, it hurt a lot more than my other ones. • This is my fourth tattoo, my leg hurt the least, the shoulder was second most painful, my lower back was third most painful and this one was by faar the worst. not sure if you have a lot of nerves up there or what.. but jesus.. hahahaa • It took nearly 3 hours to do, and in the end it was DEFINEATELY worth it! • I honestly dont recommend getting a tattoo here, like I said its painful as fuck.. but if you really want to get one there I'd say for it! The pain is tolerable, but it depends on your tolerance I guess hhaaha • ***** Thanks for watching, please subscribe and check out my other videos :) • • ******FILMED BY: JESSICA CORBETT • Youtube Username: itsmejessicac • my website: •