When Crocs Thrived in the Seas
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PBS Member Stations rely on viewers like you. To support your local station, go to http://to.pbs.org/DonateEons • Check out Animal IQ: • Foxes: Dog Hardware, Cat Software | A... • While dinosaurs were dominating the land, the metriorhynchids were thriving in the seas. But taking that plunge wasn’t easy because it takes a very special set of traits to fully dedicate yourself to life at sea. • Special thanks to these wonderful paleoartists for allowing us to use their incredible work throughout this episode: • Ceri Thomas (including the illustrated the metriorhynchid in the thumbnail): https://nixillustration.com/ • Dmitry Bogdanov: https://www.deviantart.com/dibgd • Nobu Tamura: http://spinops.blogspot.com/ • Julio Lacerda: / juliotheartist • Franz Anthony: http://franzanth.com • This video features this Paleogeographic Map: Scotese, C.R., 2019. Plate Tectonics, Paleogeography, and Ice Ages, YouTube video: • Scotese Plate Tectonics Paleogeograph... . • Produced in collaboration with PBS Digital Studios: / pbsdigitalstudios • Super special thanks to the following Patreon patrons for helping make Eons possible: • Hideyo Kusano, Dennis McCullough, Andria Chizen, Freddie Brooks, Florian Heinze, WilCatRhClPPh33, Mark Talbott-Williams, Elizabeth Baker, Jake Myers, The Dec of Cards, Eddy, Angel Alchin, Julie Cohen, Sarah Ford, salsablog.band, simon read, Sean C. Kennedy, Eric Roberto Rodriguez, Hillary Ryde-Collins, Frida, Matthew Donnelly, Yu Mei, Dan Ritter, faxo, Jayme Coyle, Gary Walker, GrowingViolet, Stephanie Tan, Laura Sanborn, Minyuan Li, Ben Cooper, Leonid, Robert Noah, Matt Parker, Heathe Kyle Yeakley, Jerrit Erickson, Anton Bryl, MissyElliottSmith, Zachary Spencer, Stefan Weber, Andrey, Ilya Murashov, Merri Snaidman, Gabriel Cortez, Marcus Lejon, Robert Arévalo, Todd Dittman, Betsy Radley, Anthony Callaghan, Philip Slingerland, John Vanek, Eric Vonk, Henrik Peteri, Jon Monteiro, James Bording, Miles Chaston, Michael McClellan, Jeff Graham, Daisuke Goto, Gregory Kintz, Chandler Bass, Tsee Lee, Robert Hill • If you'd like to support the channel, head over to / eons and pledge for some cool rewards! • Want to follow Eons elsewhere on the internet? • Facebook - / eonsshow • Twitter - / eonsshow • Instagram - / eonsshow • References: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1K...