Song of Solomon Christian Karaoke praise song worship video

>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ • • • [Keywords: christian music video star song of solomon songs karaoke bring the rain hillsong praise worship songs song God who am i Jesus Christ who am i rock rap hip hop jazz videos band i want it that way worthy is lamb shout mercyme lord casting crowns does anyone hear her psalm 23 switchfoot this east west is your life i can only imagine top usa awesome my redeemer lives team hoyt in alone sing a long lyric baby got book lyrics religious psalms karaoke christian i can only imagine mercyme mercy me psalm casting crown bring the rain homesick praise you storm lifesong] • • IS THE SONG OF SOLOMON ABOUT CHRIST AND THE CHURCH? • • Here's an excellent quote... • • Origen and Jerome tell us that the Jews forbade it to be read by any until he was thirty years old. It certainly needs a degree of spiritual maturity to enter aright into the holy mystery of love which it allegorically sets forth. To such as have attained this maturity, of whatever age they be, the Song of Songs is one of the most edifying of the sacred writings. Rosenmuller justly says, The sudden transitions of the bride from the court to the grove are inexplicable, on the supposition that it describes merely human love. Had it been the latter, it would have been positively objectionable, and never would have been inserted in the holy canon. The allusion to Pharaoh's chariots (So 1:9) has been made a ground for conjecturing that the love of Solomon and Pharaoh's daughter is the subject of the Song. But this passage alludes to a remarkable event in the history of the Old Testament Church, the deliverance from the hosts and chariots of Pharaoh at the Red Sea. (However, see on [672]So 1:9). The other allusions are quite opposed to the notion; the bride is represented at times as a shepherdess (So 1:7), an abomination to the Egyptians (Ge 46:34); so also So 1:6; 3:4; 4:8; 5:7 are at variance with it. The Christian fathers, Origen and Theodoret, compared the teachings of Solomon to a ladder ...


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