Minecraft Elegance Raid Captain Bank an upgrade to Instant Raid Farm Java 116120
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A raid captain bank is useful addition to a raid farm that lets you skip going to a pillager outpost before starting the raid farm. The bank stores a few of the captains that spawn in the raid farm, and you kill these captains instead of the ones at the pillager outpost. This lets you build raid farms in more convenient locations, like near your base or trading hall. It also means that the raid farm can be used more easily as an XP farm, since the farm can be started and stopped with greater ease. And you can completely skip the tedious process of searching for a pillager outpost by getting the first bad omen effect through a patrol instead. • Discord: / discord • Instant Raid Farm tutorial: • • Minecraft Elegance: Instant AFK Raid ... • This raid captain bank also works on the Rays Works raid farm design. Build the bank at least 12 blocks higher than where the player stands when attacking mobs. There is room for 3 boats per level since it doesn't use a redstone torch tower. • 0:00 Intro • 1:30 Materials • 1:41 Build instructions • 2:04 FYI, mobs cannot see through glass. • 3:23 Loading captains into the bank • 4:12 Dealing with evokers • 4:37 Just to keep things simple, it's worth sacrificing the captain so that you kill the evoker in the same boat. But if you really want to save the captain, just place the lava on their heads and immediately pick it up. Both the evoker and captain will take enough fire damage to get to about 6 health (3 hearts), which lets you kill them individually with one hit. • The Y level of the captain bank keeps captured evokers far enough away so they cannot attack you while you are killing mobs in the dropshaft. Any evokers that are aware of you may attack as you go up the ladder. If this happens, just quit the game and rejoin. Alternatively, you can preemptively quit and rejoin the game after the raid ends to completely eliminate the risk of an evoker attacking.