Лучшая Мантра Богатства и благополучия ГАНЕША МАНТРА БОГАТСТВА и УСПЕХА Релакс Музыка
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Best on Aliexpress! http://ali.pub/40yw80 • -- The best mantra for Raising Money!!!!! MANTRA • Mantra of Riches and prosperity! GANESH MANTRA FOR WEALTH! • -- Spiritual music-esoterica and self-knowledge • Փ Channel Relax Music 2018 • Music for meditation, relaxation and relaxation • Vedic hymns, the sacred Indian mantra • -- THE TEXT OF THE MANTRAS FOR THE MONEY -- • OM GAM GANAPATAYE NAMAHA SHARANAM GANESHA • • -- Money MANTRA - text Translation -- • OM is the original sound. This sound symbolically embodies the divine healing energy, or Shakti, and its three main aspects: creation, preservation and liberation • GUN Group • GANAPATAE (Ganapati) is a compound of Ghana, which means group and party, which means ruler or Lord , which is a synonym for Ganesha» • NAMAHA (नम) - I salute or to worship means worship of the divine. • SHARANAM-Hide, in this case - to take protection (shelter) Ganesha! • So, in General the diversion: • I respect and admire (the Great) to Ganesha, Savior from the world Leader Makers! Asking for protection of Ganesha! • THE MEANING OF GANESHA MANTRA - WHO IS GANESHA? • A very powerful mantra dedicated to Ganesha. • Ganesha, or Ganapati-in Hinduism God of wisdom and prosperity, wealth and prosperity. • Ganesha is the embodiment of clarity and concentration among the gray world, full of confusion and duality. The listener should concentrate his inner self on the sounds for enlightenment and happiness, as well as for good health, prosperity, abundant wealth and good luck. • Daily practice of mantras purifies the mind and body, promotes spiritual and material prosperity. The Ganesha mantra is ideal for meditation, undertaking any financial Affairs, financial projects, new businesses. • One of the most well-known and respected throughout the world of the gods of the Hindu Pantheon. Brings wealth, not only in the material realm but also in the spiritual! • Happy listening, Wealth and Prosperity! • Listen to this music of sacred Sanskrit syllables to replenish positive energy and try to open your heart! Start a new life with the mantra of Ganesha! • -- What is mantra? The definition of mantra ஜ • Mantras are sounds made up of sacred Sanskrit syllables, which together help to use spiritual energy. # Praising # mantras or even just listening to them, you gain access to the divine creative spirit, bring harmony to your mind and body, and of course tune our heart to a wave of divine energy, bringing bliss to our inner world. These sacred sounds can actually help us activate our immune system and balance our physiology. So, what is the mantra is the divine magic of the Universe! • -- TO REPEAT ALOUD OR JUST LISTEN? • mantra came to us from India is a special set of sounds that creates resonance affecting our energy and environment. Therefore, it makes no difference to listen to the mantra or repeat it, but the effect will be much stronger if at least mentally repeat the text, so that your inner pre-celestial energy starts working faster. • The NUMBER of REPEATS: consider this as a course for a month. Any of our activities to be effective must be carried out continuously for a minimum of a month (the sacred number of the universe). That is, stability and constancy are important, then the universe will respond to your requests and the result will amaze you! According to Hindu rituals, repetitions should be multiple of 9 (AK usually repeat 108 times), but most importantly - the regularity and the right mood during listening. Otherwise, the result will be almost no, you will neutralize all the magic of his fortune, very quickly recruited will lose energy. • TIME: Morning from 5:30 to 11:00, afternoon 13:00 - 18:00, evening 18:00 to 4:30 in the morning. The best time is when you are relaxed!__)) • PHYSICAL: be calm and relax your body to the energy of the sound had the maximum effect. • MOOD: to achieve the right attitude, try (without mantra to do so) to repeat these simple words: MY DESTINY is within ME, I am the POWER THAT RULES MY LIFE! I'M FINE WITH ALL THAT IN MIND(A)! • Subscribe to the channel • Don't forget to tap the bell when you sign up to learn about the new videos in a timely manner • Channel playlists • ☸ Ethnic music of Indians https://goo.gl/GFdyre • Healing Music of the Soul https://goo.gl/QWuahS • ☼ The healing Sounds of Nature - https://goo.gl/Pq23yK • ㊜ Healing Sounds Tao https://goo.gl/bMFUZ3 • ♫ MIX Relax Melodies https://goo.gl/9bf9Zg • #Relaxmusic