Best Team Grass Type Edition


This seems like the perfect place to plant my roots down and continue the trip through different typings with the Best Team for Grass Types. At this point, you guys have a good idea of the rules so you’ll know how things go, but I’ll mention it all again. A Pokemon can only appear once on of these teams, so you might not end up seeing Ludicolo on this team, though you could still see it on that Best Team for Water Types down the line. A big thing to mention for you all to keep in mind as always is that these Typing Teams should be viewed more as theme teams to have decent fun with rather than something you should take into the monotype tier. Also...Pokemon Sword and Shield released yesterday! That means I have a final rule to include, and that is with this best team as well as a few more to come in the coming weeks there will be no 8th Gen Pokemon included. Considering how many typings I’ve done already without including Gen 8 mons, it wouldn’t make sense for me to do the last few teams with them, but I’m sure it’ll be something we revisit in the future. • Cyberpower PC's Website use Code MYSTIC to get 5% off any purchase over 1299$: • • MysticSage: • • New Mystic Sage Video: •    • Top 10 BEST Characters from Demon Slayer   • Follow me on Twitch:   / mysticumbreon   • Check out our community discord: or this one if the first one doesn't work   / discord   • Follow me on Instagram: mysticumbreon_ • Follow me on Twitter:   / mysticumbreon94   • Support me on Patreon:   / mysticumbreon   • Patrons who have donated: JDinis, Aanvik, The4thgengamer, Coolindude, Jasmin Skoplijak, Tyree Awantaye, Savannah (my secretary), Poketuber, The Sith'ari, Kepheus, ChikoritaCheezits, SpikeSP, Flyjubilee, JesseTheRuby, Frostfang5412, Daniel Leon, Diane Wierzbicki, Lady Krimzen, Derpy Poster, Dylan Clough, Miguel Poissant, Pub Sparky Wynx, Gasnort, Pal491, Ryan Turk, Lightningwolf4r, TheLazyLeo, AwesomeLego, Sodden Grider, AkAjmc, Nigma97


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