Problem on Departure Then Off to Nashville
We had to circle back to land after departure to resolve an issue. Then we depart initially VFR, climb above a scattered layer and pickup an IFR clearance ai...
Nashville, Music City, Garmin, Cessna, Twin Cessna, FAA, EAA, AOPA, NATCA, IFR, VFR, plane, flight, flying, airplane, pilot, aviation, airborne, sky, Chicago, Tennessee, Illinois, Apple, iPad, ForeFlight, Insight, Steveo1kinevo, Baron Pilot, Piper, Beechcraft, Cirrus, ATC, air traffic control, departure, arrival, takeoff, landing, HSI, Garmin G5, clouds, Beautiful co-pilot, pretty, sexy, hot, woman, Premier 1 Driver, MrAviation101, FlightChops, AirVenture, Oshkosh, GNS530W, GTX345, RNAV, GPS, GoPro, LightSpeed, Twin G4, country music