Philips HF3500 Wake Up Light Review 2016


Review of the Philips Wake up Light HF3500. • Check out the full blog here : • Transcript: • So I've been using this alarm clock for about a week and I love it. It's the Philips Wake Up Light HF3500. It uses light in addition to sound to wake you up which for me is awesome because I live in Colorado which is kind of a cold dark place in the winter. I'm a heavy sleeper and I'm not much of a morning person. So I was definitely looking for something that would kind of be different than the norm as far as alarm clocks go. • So the cool thing about it is that it has a 90 second demo so that you can see exactly what it does. So I'll go ahead and do that for you and this demo is going to show you when the alarm goes off and how it's going to wake you up. So I’ll let you watch that. • So yeah. So you saw those numbers that would flash up on the screen during the test. So what those do is they allow you to customize the level of light and sound that you're getting which is really cool. I have mine turned all the way up because like I said I'm a super heavy sleeper, so the more light and noise I can get, the better. • Another cool thing, it also comes with a 12 or 24 hour mode, so that if you're in the military or if you look somewhere else or if you live somewhere else where they use the 24 hour system, it's definitely cool. • The one and only downside that I've really found is that it doesn't have a battery backup. So what that means is that if your power goes out in the middle of the night or your dog trips over the power cord, your alarm is not going to go off and you're not going to wake up. But what I do just in case is set secondary alarms on my cell phone, so far I haven't had any problems. • Anyway, all in all, this is a great little device. It lets you bring the sun into your bedroom even when the sun isn't up outside which is very, very cool. So whether you live in a dark place like Colorado in the winter, whether you work night shifts or if you just want a more natural way to wake up, then this alarm clock is probably for you. • So once again, this is the Philips HF3500 Wake Up Light. I hope this was informational and that you enjoyed the video.


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