Eternal Life Lord Make Me an Instrument of Thy Peace
Fear and rage. These seem to be the two dominant emotions right now. • Fear of sickness, fear of death, fear of poverty, fear of rejection, fear of the mainstream mob--the list goes on. • Rage against political enemies, rage against real racism and supposed racism, rage against those who disagree, rage against God--it's too much. • As I've observed current events, my heart has broken from the bloody war that is the American landscape. The hate that saturates social media around conflicting responses to coronavirus, claims of racism and police brutality, and other various political topics truly disgusts me and fills me with longing for a better world: a world where people live to make others happy; a world where freedom, selfless love, and peace are the very foundation of reality. I believe such a world will exist and that we all can hasten its arrival. • In contemplation of the state of my country and our world, a song came to mind that spoke directly to this longing. It is a setting by Olive Dungan of a poetic prayer often attributed to St. Francis of Assisi. The text is a prayer for peace--not just a lack of war, but a deep unity that grounds itself in self-sacrificing love. This peace, I believe, is possible only by surrendering one's whole being to the ultimate source of true love--Jesus Christ. Pray and ask God to guide you toward this peace. If you ask, He will show you how to be an instrument of His peace. May God bless you with an increased knowledge of Him as He truly is. • The lyrics of this song are so powerful that I have embedded them in the video itself. In addition, you can read the full poem below. In acquiring a license to arrange and upload this piece, I paid quite a substantial licensing fee (a little over $100 USD). If you would like to support my efforts in making more videos like this, please consider making a one-time donation through PayPal or supporting me monthly on Patreon: • • / grantsteinweg • Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace. • Where there is hatred, let me sow (bring) love; • Where there is injury, pardon; • Where there is doubt, faith; • Where there is despair, hope; • Where there is darkness, light; • And where there is sadness, joy. • O Divine Master, • grant that I may not so much seek • to be consoled, as to console; • To be understood, as to understand; • To be loved, as to love. • For it is in giving that we receive; • For it is in pardoning, that we are pardoned; • For it is in dying, that we are born to eternal life.